Some may describe it as a simpler time, but was it necessarily a better time?
That might be a question for another day, but you can’t help but think about how life was before social media. Before being connected to entire world through a device you can fit in your pocket, if you weren’t directly in front of a television or radio, you were pretty much isolated from everything happening outside of your neighborhood.
On the plus side, it was much easier to enjoy the world around you, without worrying about the latest tweet or post to Instagram. But having the world at your fingertips is a blessing even if you don’t realize it. Either way, some of our favorite celebrities talked to Vanity Fair about life before social media. They reminisced about having to send letters to communicate, the feelings of isolation, and the manners people seem to have forgotten to use.
What do you miss most about life before social media?
Via Vanity Fair